Chiropractic Adjustment
Chiropractic care is an essential to overall wellness! Not only does it relieve back and joint pain but it can improve posture and balance as well as relieve acid reflux, nerve pain, headaches and digestive problems. When you get a subluxation, or misalignment of the vertebrae, it can pinch on nerves that reach all throughout your body effecting your muscles, organs and joints. Your chiropractor will palpate your spine and use precise movements and pressure to align these subluxations to provide relief.
Dry Needling
Dry needling is releasing trigger points in the muscle with the use of acupuncture needles. Dry needling can help relieve spastic muscles, ease joint pain, improve blood flow and oxygen circulation within the body. This can help relieve musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain, shoulder impingement s, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, shin splints, plantar fasciitis and more.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin and certain points of the body to stimulate the central nervous system. This, in turn, releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These biochemical changes help stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being. Acupuncture is used to treat hormone imbalances, headaches, infertility, chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea, pregnancy pain, menstrual cramps and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to see a Chiropractor if I’m not in pain?
Anyone with a spine and nervous system can benefit from chiropractic care. Just as you would visit a dentist for regular teeth cleanings and checkups, we encourage everyone to visit a chiropractor to have their spine properly assessed. Regular maintenance care can help to prevent many spinal problems from occurring, and preexisting spinal conditions are much easier to care for when detected early.
I’m already seeing a different type of practitioner for my spinal issue, how are you different?
We love to hear that people are seeking out alternative forms of therapy to improve their health. We work closely with several physiotherapists and also encourage our patients to continue with their other therapies while undergoing chiropractic care. Every practitioner has a different specialty and as Chiropractors we are focused on the spine. We believe an integrated approach amongst different practitioners is the best way to ensure patient-centred care and see the best results possible.
Is chiropractic safe for pregnant women?
One of the most important times to see a chiropractor is during pregnancy! There are so many changes that take place in a woman’s body during pregnancy from the increased hormones, relaxation of the pelvic ligaments, increased weight gain, and shifting of the body’s centre of gravity. With all of these changes in such a short amount of time many women experience discomforts such as low backpain, hip pain, pelvic pain, symphysis pubic dysfunction, and difficulty sleeping. We utilise specific adjusting techniques for pregnant women which are extremely gentle and help to balance the pelvis and sacrum. We also work with the supporting soft tissues to ensure the muscles and ligaments stay relaxed to promote optimal fetal positioning and healthy development.
I can ‘pop/crack’ my own back/neck… how do your adjustments differ?
When you hear a ‘popping’ sound in your joints, it’s simply gas releasing from the joint capsule. This is known as a cavitation. Often times when people attempt to adjust their own back or neck with forceful twisting motions they are placing undue stress on the spinal joints. The cavitation typically occurs in joints that are hyper-mobile. The problem areas are usually the joints above or below these segments which tend to be fixated and not moving properly. The expertise to understand precisely where to apply the adjustment rather than performing a general manipulation takes years of postgraduate study. As Doctors of Chiropractic we are trained to specifically detect the fixated joints and apply a very specific adjustment to these joints to promote healthy movement patterns.
Is chiropractic care safe for babies?

Not only is chiropractic care completely safe for babies, it’s so effective! The amount of pressure we use to adjust infants is that same amount you would use when testing an avocado for ripeness, no crazy popping here! This gentle pressure allows us to align their spine and cranial bones and remove nervous system interference. By doing so, we promote proper communication between their brain and body and eliminate so many problems!