Our mission is to help all families achieve optimal mental and physical health by supporting the proper nervous system health through chiropractic care. We will always look at you holistically in order to address the full issue and be able to treat you fully instead of treating individual symptoms. We want to empower you as parents to advocate for your families because you know what is best. We aim to come alongside you not only to help you heal physically, but we want to encourage you spiritually as well. Our office will be a place where you can be open about your struggles and we will stand alongside you in prayer.
“As a dad of four, I know how overwhelming it can be to take your kids to their appointments, let alone let them tag along to yours. That’s why my wife and I made it top priority to provide a space where kids can explore while they are warming up before their adjustments and play safety while you receive your treatment.”
It’s no secret that chiropractic addresses pain effectively. The benefits don’t stop there, though. Chiropractic was developed to reduce the effects that spinal dysfunction can have on the nervous system. The central nervous system (Brain and spinal cord), communicates with the rest of the body parts via the nerves. When the spine is misaligned, nerves endings can get pinched. When pressure is put on these nerve endings it interferes with the vital communications that are going on within the body; blocking or misfiring messages, reaking havoc on all bodily systems. When we align the spine and relieve pressure from these nerve endings, we restore proper brain-body communication! This improves the way your body functions in all aspects including healing.
Here is a list of common conditions that often improve with chiropractic care:
Infants and toddlers
>ear infections
>acid reflux
>sleep disturbances
>poor latch
>not hitting milestones
>poor concentration
>frequently sick
>poor balance
>sleep disturbances
>bed wetting
>sleep disturbances
>brain fog
>menstrual problems
>carpal tunnel syndrome
>pinched nerves

From newborns to those in their 90s and beyond, patients of all ages are welcome at Psalm 30:2 Chiropractic. Our goal is to ensure your WHOLE family is functioning at their best!
We want to empower you as parents!
We want you to feel heard. You know your body the best. You know your children the best. We are here to help YOU take charge of your and your family’s health. Our top priority is that you are educated and feel confident with your intuition.
We want to work with you to achieve your health goals, help you find pain relief, and let your body thrive naturally. If you or your kids are experiencing discomfort, whether it be back pain, trouble concentrating, colic, acid reflux, etc., give us a call to learn how our holistic care at Psalm 30:2 Chiropractic can benefit you for years to come.